The Albany-Monticello girls basketball program would like to wish all of you a HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON. A special thank you to Santa for taking time from his busy North Pole schedule to visit our team!
about 1 year ago, Derik Doescher
about 1 year ago, Albany School District
Winterfest fun with building!
about 1 year ago, Kari Speckman
Please click the following link to view the DECEMBER DISTRICT NEWSLETTER
about 1 year ago, Robin Seavert
December Newsletter
Mrs. Freitag's 5th graders are having a merry time painting cookies with edible water colors given to them ( and the entire elementary) by our PTO. Thank you, Albany PTO! The kids had a great time painting and eating!!
about 1 year ago, Sara Freitag
This student turned in his chair for the Principal's Chair for a day. Thank you to this student for using her Comet CARE Principal Chair Certificate ...
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
Our awesome student enjoyed some festive donuts for breakfast this morning! Happy Friday!!
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
Today we celebrated December and June Birthdays with cupcakes from our Confectionary Arts class!
about 1 year ago, Amber Becher
December and June Bdays
6th Grade students used a coordinate plane to create a symbol that represented their team. They had to use all four quadrants, at least 10 coordinates, and be able to explain how the symbol represented their team.
about 1 year ago, Tim Koplin
Team Symbol
Team Symbol
Team Symbol
Team Symbol
Team Symbol
The Albany Athletic Department is proud to announce the 2023 Class of Albany Hall of Fame Inductees. This year’s class is made up of four athletes: Jessi Briggs-Thompson, Mike Morton, Marcie Brewer-Brugger, Evan Blumer.
about 1 year ago, Derik Doescher
This student turned in his chair for the Principal's Chair for a day. Thank you to this student for using her Comet CARE Principal Chair Certificate ...
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
Today we had a great helper with the Pledge of Allegiance. She did an amazing job
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
Today we had a great helper with the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you for using your CARE Coupons to share this wonderful experience. She did an amazing job
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
Fourth graders used squares to form as many pentominoes as they could. A pentomino is a shape made by joining five squares together side to side. Teamwork was imperative to their success.
about 1 year ago, Melanie Inabnit-Bakken
Today we had a great helper with the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you for using your CARE Coupons to share this wonderful experience. He did an amazing job 👏
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
This fella spent 10 CARE tickets to eat lunch with one of our AWESOME teachers:) Thank you, Mrs. I-B
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
"It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas" in the FACS room. Students in Intro to Culinary Skills created some amazing gingerbread houses and even a dog house with a dog peeking out! We made sure to leave our classroom door open while baking to share the pleasant aroma!
about 1 year ago, Albany Family & Consumer Sciences
created own patterns
OW working
quite the duo
love the detailing
proud owner
great work OM
find the dog
cm view 2
Today we had a great helper with the Plegdge of Allegiance. Thank you for using your CARE Coupons to share this wonderful experience. She did an amazing job 👏
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
A Care Coupon was turned in to read the Pledge of Allegiance today... He did an amazing job!
about 1 year ago, Jeannie Doescher
Six 4K students met their next milestone in the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge in the past few weeks. Several of them are almost to the halfway mark!
about 1 year ago, Melissa Everson